Questions, suggestions, comments or critique connected with the Valkaama movie 
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Posted by: T.J.
Date: July 20, 2007 11:28PM

Simply: What do you need? How can I help you. I'm working as editor in TV, so maybe that way? I can also help you in directing, but probably it is your task, isn't it? smiling smiley

I think, that I could find someone to work as camera-man.

So, will be in touch.

PS. Could you tell me, why are you making this movie in Cracow ?

Re: ?
Posted by:
Date: July 21, 2007 09:40PM

Hello T.J.

Every little help counts. As you saw on the page, I can provide the story and I can provide the necessary equipment to realize a film project (though better light equipment would be good).

If you are able to help in the post-production, that would be great... As well as if you can help with directing. It is an open project. So if you are good at something and you want to participate, you are welcome... And if you know someone who is good at operating the camera it would be very nice if you told him about Valkaama.

I plan to meet with all who are interested so far to talk about the film. Place (probaly Kazimierz) and time (evening) I will announce here in the forum. Also I'll send an email around. It would be great to meet you there.

Regards, Tim

ps. Krakow became my second home and is in my opinion the perfect place for realizing the film.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/22/2007 12:13PM by Tim.

Re: ?
Posted by: T.J.
Date: July 23, 2007 01:46AM

Ok, so Tim could you post me Script via mail, so i can show (print) it to my friend (camera-man), cause he is not able to read via internet.

And please let me know about your plans.

What is the deadline? Are you learning/working here in Cracow, or something like this? Next-next week, I will leave for 3 weeks (we're making music-video in Gdańsk).
So i'll be back here at 23rd of September.

Be in touch,

Re: ?
Posted by:
Date: July 23, 2007 12:49PM

ok, I just send you the pdf of the script.

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