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Sources Torrent
Posted by: lhourvitz
Date: July 09, 2011 09:50AM


First of all, thanks a lot for making this project open source. I think it's a great contribution to filmmakers to have all the sources for a completed film available.

I'm considering using some scenes from the Valkaama sources as raw materials at an editing seminar for students at a University where I teach, From reading the licenses, it seems like that's OK (though of course anything the students might make is also subject to Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike - 3.0) but thought I would mention it.

There don't seem to be many peers for the Torrent anymore, I guess that's not surprising. IF anyone has any suggestions for additional trackers to add please chime in!

Thanks again for all your work making this open project.


Re: Sources Torrent
Posted by: Tim
Date: August 09, 2011 04:06PM


Last time I checked there were 2 seeds for the torrent. I can add another one today. If that doesn't solve your problem, just write an email to me and we can figure out different ways for you to get them. Get in touch smiling smiley

Re: Sources Torrent
Posted by: Guest
Date: January 28, 2012 09:20PM


I am attempting to download the sources torrent as well and find that there are only two seeds available (one is only 17% complete) and the other is painfully slow. I plan on using this as a class project for budding editors... this footage would be PERFECT for them.

Is there a way we can get some folks to seed this footage?

Thank you!

Re: Sources Torrent
Posted by: Tim
Date: January 29, 2012 07:04PM


It is a general problem to keep the sources online and available. After the release there were like 10+ complete sources on the net and some of them were even hosted on servers.

Even if I would add another source via my private internet connection it wouldn't be of any help for you.

What we could do though... I still got an old 400gig HD drive which I do not need. So if you can give me an address I could send the data to you on that harddrive. You don't have to send the disc back so no additional effort or costs for you.

Re: Sources Torrent
Posted by: Guest
Date: February 18, 2012 10:01PM

Hello Tim,

No worries! I was finally able to complete the download, and I will be certain to seed as long as I am able. I greatly appreciate your offer of sending the HD to me.

Take care and I can't wait to see what these guys come up with.

Re: Sources Torrent
Posted by: Tim
Date: February 21, 2012 10:29PM

That is really great!!! Please share the results with us smiling smiley

If you need any further material or assistance just let me know!!!

Re: Sources Torrent
Posted by: Guest
Date: August 28, 2012 10:02AM


it will be very nice if someone could seed the sources torrent


Re: Sources Torrent
Posted by:
Date: April 13, 2018 05:04AM

Hello. I just found out about Valkaama online and would be very interested in downloading the original footage. There are apparently no active seeds in bittorrent now. Is there any way I could get someone to help me with this?

Re: Sources Torrent
Date: April 13, 2018 05:08AM

I would be really interested in getting valkaama's original footage for an editing class I am teaching. I wonder if there's any way I could download, given that there are currently no seeds for the torrent. Any help would be highly appreciated...

Re: Sources Torrent
Posted by: Tim
Date: September 27, 2018 10:53PM


Great to hear that you are interested in the movie sources. Since the torrent is not working anymore I uploaded the source files to this server so you can access and download them via browser and FTP. The following folder contains the content of the original torrent:


Access using your favourite FTP program:

User: f00f318a
Password: valkaama

I recommend FileZilla: []

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