kukagres Wrote:
> Hi!. I've been away a while.I'm very close to
> finish translating the subtitles. However, I have
> some doubts, with complex sentences.
Cool, Let's get done with them
> "263
> 00:33:10,603 --> 00:33:16,343
> Everything I experienced I wrote down and I have
> it in my memory.
> Todo lo que experimenté lo escribí y lo tengo en
> mi memoria."
> Is that okay?
It's OK.
> "268
> 00:33:32,202 --> 00:33:36,831
> And... Where are you heading next?"
Y... ¿Cual es tu próximo destino?
> "428
> 00:54:46,023 --> 00:54:52,339
> But what I don't understand... that he inaugurated
> so many."
> What means "inaugurated"?
I think that's an translation error in the English subtitle, or I don't know this way to say it. The meaning seems to be:
"Lo que no entiendo... que se lo contó a tanta gente."
It makes more sense to me, because he don't "inaugurated" nothing...
> "433
> 00:55:17,468 --> 00:55:22,339
> I've seen the world, like I was instructed to...
> He visto el mundo, como yo tenía instrucciones de
> hacerlo..."
> Is that okay?
It's a bit complicated, I would say:
"He visto el mundo de la manera que aprendí".
> "448
> 00:56:40,480 --> 00:56:52,259
> It is situated far away from the hectic rush of
> civilisation and all its sinister spin-offs..."
> I dont know whats means "hectic rush" and
> "sinister spin-offs"....
Something like this:
Se encuentra lejos del acelerado ritmo de la civilización y de todos sus viles excesos.
> "463
> 01:00:08,445 --> 01:00:15,960
> If I only consider... that just yesterday I was in
> crappy Gothenburg... and now here."
> I think that crappy means "mierda", but i'm not
> sure.
crappy es adjetivo, así que debería ser "asqueroso". O se podría decir también "en esta mierda de Gotemburgo" (o "en esta ciudad de mierda") o algo así.
Ah, y Gothenburg es el nombre inglés de la ciudad sueca de Göteborg, en español es "Gotemburgo". Es mejor usar el original o la variante en castellano.
> "474
> 01:01:21,211 --> 01:01:25,392
> A real clean slate."
> I think that this means "Un verdadero borrón y
> cuenta nueva". That's is all.
Si, creo que está bien.
(Ahora me doy cuenta que mezclé inglés y castellano en el post, espero que se entienda igual
